Holland Ravines, FLT

Visited June 27, 2021

Finger Lakes Trail (Conservation Trail), Holland Ravines, Route 16, Holland, NY (Erie County)

I used Zider Zee's as my Google Maps point to get near the trail entrance. Parking is south of Zider Zee's and is on the side of the road. If you have a dog, be aware that there is broken glass on the east side of the road between the trail entrance and

72 degrees Fahrenheit, sunny with a breeze at 8:45 AM, 88 degrees Fahrenheit at 11:45 AM

No toilets available.

Leashed dogs are welcome on the trails. Please bring baggies and carry out your trash and any dog poo.

I had on bug spray, long pants, t-shirt, and hat; the weather was perfect for mosquitos and they enjoyed my visit.

No poison ivy that I could see. I grew up nearby and never saw poison ivy until I moved closer to Lake Erie.

No cost to access these trails.

To walk from the road entrance on Route 16 to the conservation trail dedication sign is just shy of a 3.5-mile hike. Hiking there and back took Wesley and me three hours. I did not see any trash on this walk except a water bottle cap and a dog poo bag near the entrance of the trail. During the entire hike, I only passed a couple, a man, and another couple on my last stretch back to the car.

The trail surface was natural except for one gravel section and the steps and bridges that were covered with a mesh to keep them from getting slippery. Most of the trail was bone dry, but there were deep muddy spots on the trail. This trail was single-file is some places but mostly wide enough for a four-wheeler or larger vehicle to get to the power line. The trail twists and turns with a numerous inclines. The trail took me across County Road 53. No parking is allowed at this crossing. I followed my Avenza map and used the orange blazes to verify that I was on the trail and had not been distracted by the many side trails. This area must be beautiful when there is water trickling down the small falls and when the maples leaves turn color in the fall. I hope I can return to see them.

I saw goldfinches, robins, and male cardinals. Startled chipmunks and squirrels scurried away. Wesley and I saw many small toads near the water crossings. There is at least one apple tree growing in the power line area and along the trail there are many maple, cherry, and other varieties of trees. We saw mayapple, ferns, buttercups, goldenrod, birds foot, cat tails, milkweed, daisies, jewel weed, and blackberry blossoms.

Be aware that this trail goes through private property and sometimes right through back yards.

This hike is part of the Summer 2021 WNY Hiking Challenge. For more information:


For more information:



Zider Zee's and Holland Willows (parking for the FLT trail also near here), both have nice reputations in the area but I have not been to either one.

Chanderson's Steak & Seafood, Route 16, Yorkshire, NY.

I have been here more than once and can recommend it, especially the giant soft pretzel.


Entrance to the trail on the west side of Route 16

Entrance to the trail on the east side of Route 16

First steps of the trail entering on the east side of Route 16

First time Wesley crossed a rail road track

FLT followed the orange blazes


Love seeing the old giants in the woods

There are a few sections where the vegetation reaches in toward the trail

With the amount of maples, I expect that this trail is gorgeous when the leaves turn in the fall.

This is probably lovely where there has been rain or spring snow melt.