Golden Hill State Park

Visited August 20, 2021

Lower Lake Road, Barker, NY

82 degrees Fahrenheit 2:45 PM - 3:35 PM, muggy

Toilet facilities at parking area across from the lighthouse.

Dogs on leash are welcome. Come prepared to pick up after your dog. Wesley stayed home because of the anticipated heat and miles I was planning for the day.

I would allow more than an hour to explore, especially if you want to go inside the lighthouse. The Interpretive Trail was 1.5 miles of easy terrain. It smelled great with so many fruits ripening in the hot sun. Cicadas hummed throughout my visit.

I wore long pants but shorts would have been okay since I stayed on the trail.

The dirt and mowed grassy trails allowed space for two people to easily pass or walk side by side. Today, I passed two people when I entered the trail and had the trail to myself the rest of the hike.

Mosquitos were persistent in the muggy weather despite the long pants, hat, and bug spray.

I came in through the main entrance so I had to pay a $6 fee. I am not sure if there is the same fee to enter the park via the boat launch entrance.

Parking: Paved lot with space for 10+ vehicles.

While on the trail, I saw robins and a rabbit. I saw staghorn sumac, cherry, maple, and oak trees, apple trees, pear trees, black berries, poison ivy, Queen Anne's lace, Virginia creeper, jewel weed, ferns, and golden rod.

Golden Hill State Park is part of the 2021 WNY Summer Hiking Challenge. For more information, visit:

For more information about the park and trails:


Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge (approximately 1/2 hour south of the park) more information on my page within this website

Toilet facilities at parking area

View from the parking area

Yurts available at the edge of the tent camping section.

Trail head just past the yurts.





I turned right here

A little spur trail led to mosquito heaven

Saw this sweet rabbit

Not a great spot for a picnic...that tree to the right is COVERED in poison ivy.

Dry creekbed

Dry creek bed looking in the other direction

I turned right here

Observation deck and informational board

Cherry tree

More blackberries

Finishing the loop and returning to parking spot